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A MakeCode Extension for Turtle Logo Programming language

Turtle Logo

Turtle Logo Extension Overview

Turtle Logo blocks

Turtle Logo Blocks

Introductory Turtle Logo Lessons for Students

You can get a set of introductory lessons for students to Turtle Logo here:

Advanced Turtle Logo Lessons for Students

You can get a set of advanced lessons, using variables and sprites for students to Turtle Logo here:

MakeCode Arcade Extension

This MakeCode Arcade Extension adds “Turtle Logo” programming language to make code. This code uses a previous version ( but I needed some specific changes as requested by the elementary teacher I was working with:

See an example in actions at:

Open this page at

Use as Extension

This repository can be added as an extension in MakeCode.

This repository can be added as an extension in MakeCode.

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To edit this repository in MakeCode.

Blocks preview

This image shows the blocks code from the last commit in master. This image may take a few minutes to refresh.

A rendered view of the blocks

Metadata (used for search, rendering)